

When I was a young girl my mother lent me an old Agfa Isolette 6x6 camera. She had inherited it from her older brother Arne when she was a young girl. This camera has stayed with me since then and worked as a portal into my love for seeing through the lens, the love for seeing altogether. Since then, other cameras came along and has strengthened the love.

During my childhood and youth, my family and I spent the summers in an old farmhouse in the countryside in Denmark that belonged to friends of the family. All of us eighter painting or taking loads of film roles in the nature surrounding the house.

Photography sneaked into my heart. For many years it worked as a sketching tool for my paintings. I did not realize how deep I was in love with it for a long time. But when I did, oh when I did… The magic, the alchemy, the capturing of time and light on the emulsion of the film. The tones of gray, so soft as a caress of the retina. The perfume of the fixer, the paper, the wonder of the image coming into being before my eyes, alone in the red darkness of the darkroom.

The magic of photography still captures me. It is what comes into my attention, before my eyes, and what the camera with its own life, brings into the world. So, I see it, as a corporation between me and the camera. We do things together, the camera and I.

I seek to create visual experiences through a poetic investigative approach. This, in combination with the timeless and dreamy atmosphere of analog photography and especially the historical photography from the beginning of the history of photography as well as the phenomena of light, space, time, and memory are inspirations and fascinations to me in my photographic work.

My approach is associative and intuitive. I often write or draw as part of my work process. I think that, in a way, I draw or write my way into what the work is about. When I pick up the camera, it is not always clear to me what I am doing conceptually, or how it might be connected to the “warming up” with the writing or drawing. But as the process progress, things emerge to me along the way both like synchronicities, like meaningful findings or as epiphanies, and often as realizations in the end of the process.